What are Stem Cells?

They are pluripotent cells capable of differentiating into a wide variety of cells that have  immunomodulatory capability.

What is meant by immunomodulatory?
A substance that stimulates or suppresses the immune system and may help the body fight cancer, infection, or other diseases. Specific immunomodulating agents, such as monoclonal antibodies, cytokines, and vaccines, affect specific parts of the immune system.

What are the side effects after a stem cell application?

The side effects from having IV therapy are rare, Fever, mild headache and fatigue in the first 24 hours, sometimes occur after having stem cells injected in a joint, Other side effects can be soreness, pain and limited mobility for the first 24 to 72 hours in some cases that can last up to a week. When the stem cells are injected in the spinal cord fluid, there can also be effects such as a tingling in the lower limbs, heavy fever, strong headache, nausea, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping. Symptoms can last 2 to 5 days.

Where can we apply stem cells?

They can be applied on joints such as knee, ankle, elbow, shoulder, etc. they can be used on muscle directly, they can be used on aesthetic facials or scars, and they can be applied on the spinal fluid on the spinal cord to get to the brain faster.

How do we apply them?

Normally we can use ultrasound guide vision to help the application on the joints, and everything must be done with a sterile technique but without the need of using a surgery room, which make is a walk-in procedure.

What is the duration of the therapy?

Normally it can take 1 – 2 hours for IV procedures and 2 – 4 for application procedures depending on the volume of patients on the clinic at the time.

What should we avoid?

Non steroid anti-inflammatories and steroid anti-inflammatory medication.

How long might this last, assuming she receives relief?

Some times it is only needed to do it once, but if the pain comes back, we can do another therapy after 8-12 months.

What promos you offer?

We offer this treatment for far less than anyone else we know to make it possible for you. Also, please note that you can get $1000 refunded in month 3 for sending us photos. After becoming a patient, you receive $1000 for each patient you refer who receives treatment!

What is the success rate for type 2 diabetes with Stem Cell Treatment?

Type 2 diabetes, is an environmental disease in which the most important subject is going to be always the food intake and how do you adjust your food, success rate means that we can reverse the process and have a patient that is sufficiently controlled that he doesn’t need treatment. That is what we would consider cured.

What do you use for the Stem Cell Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes and what is the process?

We use 100% of umbilical cord stem cells. We have different providers and the type of therapy will only be IV therapy. The amount should be applied by calculating 1 million steps per pound of weight.